Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cashew Butter and Preserves on Toast

I guess I'm still a kid at heart, because I haven't yet lost my taste for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I sometimes turn to a version of this for breakfast.

For today's PB&J, I used a sour dough bread purchased at Trader Joe's. I presliced the loaf and bagged it for the freezer. When I'm having a PB&J morning, I just pull out two slices for the toaster; it's quick and easy.

The cashew butter I made myself using roasted cashews from Trader Joe's. I used one cup of cashews, a little canola oil, and a little salt. I love it! Making this myself allows me to control the salt and sugar content.

Here is a good reference for making nut butters:

Lastly, the preserves (peach with blueberry) were Mom's creation. Wish I could take credit for them, but I'm enjoying the (ahem) fruits of her labor. Thanks, Mom! Both for the jars of preserves, as well as the inspiration to try it myself sometime soon.

I hope this post gave you an idea or two for incorporating healthful foods into your lifestyle.

With lots of veggies,

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